Sunday, January 21, 2007


The word of God is so wonderful, at times I'm left speechless and in awe.The other day I was reading Psalm 111 and the character of God was imprinted on my heart in an amazing way.It says;7The works of His hands are [absolute] truth and justice [faithful and right]; and all His decrees and precepts are sure (fixed, established, and trustworthy).8They stand fast and are established forever and ever and are done in [absolute] truth and uprightness.9He has sent redemption to His people; He has commanded His covenant to be forever; holy is His name, inspiring awe, reverence, and godly fear.Verse 5 in the NIV says ... He remembers His covenant forever.10The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and skill [the preceding and the first essential, the prerequisite and the alphabet]; a good understanding, wisdom, and meaning have all those who do [the will of the Lord]. Their praise of Him endures forever.There is a whole lot of things that stand out for me in these scriptures but the one that I would like to mention is His covenant. God's covenant with us is all about Him, it is His show, we partner together but He is the one who "rocks". I'm excited that God made a covenant with me as a believer and He has vowed to keep it forever, nothing will change that regardless of the many times I fail.This kind of ties in with something else that I have been learning, that it's not about me but all about Him. The "show" is His, I need to get out of the way so that God is exalted, takes His rightful place. Yeah, so I have needs, I want to achieve certain objectives, the list is endless but I have to learn not to focus on my issues but on God. Besides, isn't He the one who has Fire going before Him to consume His enemies on every side? The one whose lightening lights up the world that the earth sees and trembles?AND the one who makes mountains melt like wax before Him, before the Lord of ALL the earth?God is true, righteous, just, faithful, trustworthy ... so I was thinking if He can do all these things just by being who He is - God, certainly my lists of prayer requests are, can I say meagre?!For a long time my needs have been the center of my focus but when I see that God can literally make mountains disappear, I realise I need to focus on Him more than on what I want Him to do for me. I guess it's time to get out of the way and allow God to take center stage.

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