Monday, January 22, 2007


"You opened my eyes to your wonders anewYou captured my heart with this loveBecause nothing on earth is as beautiful as you"That's the song on my heart today.There are things I have known about God for a long time but somehow lately I'm getting a fresh revelation about them.Forexample, that God loves me inspite of what I do, He loves me! Period, it has nothing to do with what I do or who I am.Nothing I say or do will EVER change the fact that He loves me. I can not make Him love me more or love me less, He just loves me, He is fixated on me, He knows everything about me, even to the tiniest details like the way my nails grow.He calls me to love Him too, but the big difference here is that even though I have every reason to love Him using the "because" factor, as in He is naturally good, gives me nice things and so on, He is calling me to love Him for who He is and not for what He does/can do.His doings/ works are like the icing on the cake, but who He is/ His character is the real deal.He calls me to stand in His righteousness, note that there is absolutely nothing I could ever do to get into right standing with God. It's about allowing God to take control of my life and having Jesus dress me in His righteousness through the blood He shed at calvary. All I have to do is acknowledge and surrender, no need to sweat it.Now isn't that just amazing?!

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